Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Journey

        Through out Siddhartha's journey, he finds himself by listening and following many teachers during his life. Before high school most of us came from middle schools where we had friends who went off to different schools. My friend Mariya and I had to part just like Govinda and Siddhartha did when Govinda went to follow Buddha. She went to The Acadamey of Holy Angels, while I of course went to Paramus Catholic High School. As a freshmen I entered Paramus Catholic with the same kind of mindset Siddhartha did. I started my freshman year looking for knowledge, friendship, and happiness. I was also trying to find myself in the process. I like Siddhartha had many wise teachers who taught me many lessons and who challenged me in many ways. After my freshman year, I thought I had it made. My life was finally in the place I had wanted it to be.
        By  around the end of my junior year I thought that my life needed a change. The friendships I once had freshman year had changed and I decided that it was time to move on. As time passed and prom was rolling around the corner, I began to part slowly from my friends just like Siddhartha did from Kamala and Samsara. I soon became closer with the people whom I now call my third family along with the people from Madrigal Choir in school and of course my own blood related family. These friends like the Vesudeva comforted me in my time of need. They understood what I was going through. By being around them, I have finally been able to find myself and be true to who I am.

        Now that senior year has come, I have this bitter sweet feeling in my heart. I never understood what Father Larry meant when he said that senior year was bitter sweet until now. I am at a cross road where I have many paths to take but I am only allowed to take one road. " I want to remain by this river, it is the same one that I crossed while going to the child people. A friendly ferryman ferried me then, I will go to him. From his hut my way once led me to a new life, which has now grown and died--may my new life start out from there!" (89). This quote reminds me of how I feel about this school year. Part of me wants to stay home and in high school where I'm comfortable. The other part wants to go off on her own, adventure, and be independent. Like Siddhartha, I want to stay where I'm comfortable, but soon enough graduation will arrive and like a young bird I too will have to fly from my nest into a new world. In a way, Paramus Catholic is the hut where I will end one part of my journey and begin the next part of my adventure in life.

Freshman year
Senior year

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures! It sounds like your openness to change really benefited you; and that the friends you have now help you to live a richer (in the real sense of the word) life. What a great insight that senior year is a time when many roads lie before you, but you can only chose one. Although I will be sad to see you fly from the hut...I have confidence that you will be flying to a bright future - where your song will be beautiful and strong.
