Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Siddartha's Journey: With the Samanas

Quote: " Are we really approaching redemption? Or are we not perhaps going in a circle?"(17). The quote symbolizes Siddartha's constant uncertainty he has through out the novel when it comes to the teachings of his elders or teachers. At some point through out the novel when Siddartha learns new things form someone, he begins to doubt or question the life he is leading while following their teachings.

Physically: As Siddartha joined Govinda and the Samanas in the forest, and time passes by he begins to become more thin because he has to starve himself. He no longer wore the clothing his parents gave him, now he wears a loincloth with an earth toned cloak. When they needed food, he and Govinda would go into town and beg for food. Later on he would meditate in the forest.

Mentally: Siddartha wanted to depart  himself from everything in his surroundings. After some time passed, he felt everything he was doing was a waste of his time. He began to question the teachings of the Samanas. They had taught him how to detach himself from hunger, pain, or any emotion he was capable of. He then decides to to go meet and follow Buddha with Govinda.

Spiritually: Siddartha at this point in the novel is getting closer to his epiphany on his way to gaining Nirvana. His meditating leaves him at peace since he detaches himself from everything else, but he has not been able to be at complete peace. When he first began living among the Samanas he was happy, but as time passed he questioned the teachings and practices he was following.

Socially: Siddartha only spoke with Govinda while they were among the Samanas. He also associated himself with the people he begged from. He did not have a social status since no one but Govinda knew who he was.

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