Friday, September 17, 2010

Siddartha's Journey: Vasudeva

Quote: " I want to remain by this river, it is the same one that I crossed while going to the child people. A friendly ferryman ferried me then, I will go to him. From his hut my way once led me to a new life, which has now grown old and died-may my new way, my new life start out from there!"(89). The quote symbolizes Siddhartha's on going spirtual growth through out the story. During each part of his journey, he changes himself physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially. In this last section of his life, he finds a new awakening and calling which will lead him to the coveted enlightenment he has been searching for.

Physically: Physically, Siddhartha remained the same since the previous chapter. He continued to stay by the river. He then meets the ferryman once again. They make an agreement to live and work together. Together, the work, eat, sleep and speak about the things about being a ferryman.

Mentally: While he was with Vasudeva, Siddhartha learned many things about the river and himself. Siddhartha is happy at this point in his life and is a peace. He learns that the river has many voices and that when all sounds and voices are in unison the sound "Om" appears. He also learned that time does not exist and that all suffering and difficulties are anchored in time. Siddhartha also realized the connection between he life after his first awakenment and his life by the river. When Kamala and his son arrive to the river, Siddhartha is proud to have a son, but he is saddened by the fact that Kamala passed away before she was able to meet Buddha, a person she had been longing to meet.

Spiritually:  At this point in his life Siddhartha is completely at peace with life. He is happy to have a son and he is well on the way to enlightenment. By learning all the truths about the river, he feels happy by the fact that Vasudeva is proud of his learning.

Socially: After time passed, he and Vasudeva became very close friends. He was the student learning everything about the river from his new mentor. Soon they learn that Buddha is old and is dying. Then, Kamala and her son pass by them on their trip to meet the "enlightened one" before he passes away. Siddhartha learns that the boy is his son and is proud to be a father. After Kamala passes, he tried to form a relationship with his son, but forming a relationship with someone who is depressed by witnessing their mother's death is not an easy task.

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